0430 217 401
Helping young people develop safe
driving behaviours and low-risk strategies
Register your interest for funding using the form below
BASE Driver Behaviour
funding interest
The VicRoads Community Road Safety Grants Program (CRSGP)
provides funding to local communities in educating drivers through Victoria on vehicle safety
technology and the importance of
The Safe System
Safer Vehicles, Safer Roads, Safer Speeds and Safer Road Users
BASE - Safer Diving Behaviour Program
The problem
Australian research shows young learner drivers are at the lowest risk when supervised. However, they are four times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash in their first year of probation. This is due to their lack of experience, being unsupervised and the belief that because they hold a probationary licence they are "qualified".
The solution
Help young drivers avoid crashes by facilitating their discovery of:
best practice in driving behaviour and attitude
understanding of driver thinking and decision making
insight and reflection on driving
willingness to continue to learn and practice new behaviours
completion of the BASE Driver Profile
The key learning outcome of this program is to assist young drivers to develop the skills that underpin crash-free driving.
We will support your organisation in securing funding of up to $10,000.
You just need to supply the classroom and the young people.
BASE Driver Behaviour
funding interest
The VicRoads Community Road Safety Grants Program (CRSGP)
provides funding to local communities in educating drivers through Victoria on vehicle safety
technology and the importance of
The Safe System
Safer Vehicles, Safer Roads, Safer Speeds and Safer Road Users
“I learnt that my attitude and behaviour is integral to my safety and the safety of others. This needs to be taught to all new drivers. Thank you.”
- Janelle, Frankston