Changing Gears
is a learner permit training program helping community groups provide
life changing skills to disadvantaged young people.
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Changing Gears
funding interest
The VicRoads Community Road Safety Grants Program (CRSGP)
provides funding to local communities in supporting their overarching principle:
The Safe System
Safer Vehicles, Safer Roads, Safer Speeds and Safer Road Users
Subscribe to this special mailing list to receive support and guidance in applying for funding for Changing Gears Programs.
Our pass rate is 92%
Can you remember how excited you were when you turned 16 and were finally old enough to get your learner permit?
Of course you do! Everyone does, because being old enough to get your learner permit is a ‘rite of passage’’ in the lives of all young Australians. It’s associated with concepts like freedom, independence, self-esteem and getting your first job.
So, if one of the goals of your agency or community group is to ‘level the playing field’ for disadvantaged young people, then one of the most powerful things you can do is help them get their learner permit.
Here’s why that’s so important
For many kids, having a learner permit can be the first step in a self-empowerment process that results in getting their first job. A licence helps the young people get to job interviews and further their education or training with greater ease. It’s an employable skill.
Simply because driving IS a ‘rite of passage,’ disadvantaged young people, are at risk of offending when tempted to drive without a licence. This illegal activity is not only ill-advised, but it inevitably adds to their stress levels. And even worse, when they get caught, it can be the start of a cycle of law breaking that adds the burden of a criminal record to their already challenging circumstances.
No matter how you look at it, when young people drive without a license - everyone loses. Young illegal drivers are at a far greater risk of road death and trauma. Statistics show that the risk of unlicenced drivers being ‘at fault’ in a fatal crash is nearly four times that of fully licenced drivers. (Traffic Injury Prevention 6(3):230-4 Oct 2005.) And those at fault drivers lucky enough to survive a fatal car crash, may have the heavy burden of shame and guilt to live with.
The problem
Young people in marginalised communities often have low literacy and/or learning difficulties, that cause them to fail standard ‘learn to drive’ education programs.
The practical reality of this is that it’s ‘that much harder’ for these kids to gain employable skills and move their lives forward.
The Solution
By facilitating a Changing Gears program your organisation can be certain of making a meaningful difference in the lives of these disadvantaged young people by facilitating their rite of passage into adulthood - with freedom, comes responsibility and opportunity.
Changing Gears is Victoria’s only four-day learner permit training program for marginalised young people. The program fully prepares them to pass the learner permit test on the fourth day.
An effective intervention strategy with great social outcomes, our program boasts a 92% success rate and is particularly effective for students who struggle with literacy.
The Department of Transport fully supports the program and funding is available. .
So, how do we consistently produce such exceptional results in such challenging circumstances? We cater for the unique learning needs of culturally diverse, disadvantaged young people, helping them to understand that driver decision making is simply a matter of common sense and safety.
Case studies
Consider the positive impact Changing Gears had in the life of Elle, a 25-year-old indigenous woman pregnant with her third child.
Elle - Regional Victoria
Due to her disadvantages, Elle was unable to pass her learner permit test. Living in rural Victoria, where public transport is minimal, she told us she chose to drive unlicenced to “take care of my mob.” But like so many in her situation, she was eventually caught driving unlicenced and was due to appear in court in March 2020. Thankfully, Elle was referred to the Changing Gears program by a caring Njernda community worker, and as a result, obtained her learner permit in January 2020. These efforts meant a far more favourable outcome in court. That intervention and action encouraged the court to treat her leniently, and she was then referred to a ‘P-plate’ program (L2P). Now, instead of being a convicted felon, Elle is a single mum with a driver’s licence,
Biak - Young migrant
How about the story of Biak Tha Sung, a young woman who obtained access to the program through The Migrant Information Centre (MIC)
Biak successfully obtained her learner permit, which eventually led to her obtaining her probationary licence. With the help of her parents, she was then able to buy herself a nice little car and secure regular employment.
I want to thank MIC for this great program! It really helped me feel good about myself…to be able to drive, understand how to be safe and get a job. Thank you so much!”
Great outcomes include:
ensuring that participants understand the rules and responsibilities needed to become a safe driver
opening doors to opportunities like independence, community participation and employment
enabling people from rural and regional Victoria to gain safe driving skills, get their learner permit & become better drivers
getting their learner permit is a win and a psychological boost that helps young rural people disadvantaged by social disengagement and financial limitations gain independence. They can then access community activities and social programs designed to help them.
Provides a much needed ‘win’ that helps with developing a positive self-image, immediately making attendees more employable
Project monitoring and evaluation
The intention of the program is for participants to achieve an understanding of the need to be a safe road user and to obtain their learners permit. Continual assessment of learning outcomes and participants feedback will contribute to the development of Changing Gears Program.
Average of 93% Pass rate
Helping young people develop safe
driving behaviours and low-risk strategies
BASE - Safer Diving Behaviour Program
The problem
Australian research shows young learner drivers are at the lowest risk when supervised. However, they are four times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash in their first year of probation. This is due to their lack of experience, being unsupervised and the belief that because they hold a probationary licence they are "qualified".
The solution
Help young drivers avoid crashes by facilitating their discovery of:
best practice in driving behaviour and attitude
understanding of driver thinking and decision making
insight and reflection on driving
willingness to continue to learn and practice new behaviours
completion of the BASE Driver Profile
The key learning outcome of this program is to assist young drivers to develop the skills that underpin crash-free driving.
Changing Gears will support your organisation in securing funding of up to $10,000, which is enough for three funded programs.
You just need to supply the classroom and the young people.
Changing Gears
funding interest
The Vic Roads Community Road Safety Grants Program (CRSGP)
provides funding to local communities in supporting their overarching principle:
The Safe System
Safer Vehicles, Safer Roads, Safer Speeds and Safer Road Users
Subscribe to this special mailing list to receive support and guidance in applying for funding for Changing Gears Programs.
Helping young people in how to choose a
safe vehicle in a fun and interactive class room
The Safer Vehicles Intervention Program (SVIP)
SVIP is a one-day classroom-based program that focuses on educating participants on vehicle safety technology and the importance of driving a safer vehicle.
The intention of the program is for participants to achieve an understanding of what a safe vehicle is and how to choose one.
Methods used in the program include, classroom discussion, PowerPoint presentations, learners' workbooks, games and activities, videos, and activities.
Key outcomes
The program aims to ensure that the participants understand the responsibilities around driving a safe vehicle, components of making a safe vehicle purchase, and how to maintain a safe vehicle. This program aims to raise awareness of the importance of vehicle safety by improving vehicle safety knowledge.
Early vehicle safety education is critical to reducing road trauma in people by educating them on the:
- Responsibilities of owning a vehicle
- Vehicle safety standards and ratings
- Choosing and maintaining a vehicle
Benefits of making safer vehicle choices
In August 2020, Vehicle Safety Research Group (VSRG), completed research on potential road safety benefits of making safer vehicle choices in Australia and New Zealand. The aim of this research was to estimate the current and potential road safety benefits of optimising safer vehicle choices.
The “Research Project Summary Report” shows that vehicle safety improvements have made a major contribution to reducing road trauma over the past 15 years. This research shows that there is still substantial untapped potential for safer vehicle choices to contribute even further to achieving road trauma reductions.
The research findings show a significant potential for reducing road trauma in Australia and New Zealand through encouraging safer vehicle choices. These results highlight the importance of influencing levers to improve safer vehicle choices including education programs or incentives to encourage safer vehicle choices.
This study has also shown significant savings in fatalities and serious injuries from road crashes are possible through safer vehicle choices.
Program Goals
The intention of the program is for participants to achieve an understanding of what a safe vehicle is and how to choose one.
Changing Gears will support your organisation in securing funding of up to $10,000, which is enough for three funded programs.
You just need to supply the classroom and the young people.
Changing Gears
funding interest
The VicRoads Community Road Safety Grants Program (CRSGP)
provides funding to local communities in supporting their overarching principle:
The Safe System
Safer Vehicles, Safer Roads, Safer Speeds and Safer Road Users
Subscribe to this special mailing list to receive support and guidance in applying for funding for Changing Gears Programs.
Evidence of community engagement/partnerships to support program delivery
The effectiveness of the program is evidenced by the success rate and feedback from organisations that have engaged the program
The engagement of Linda Jane from Changing Gears evidences the best practice response to educating new road users to understand road safety behaviours.
The Changing Gears framework is a tried and tested with great success and outcomes, delivered by experienced and skillful facilitators.
Changing Gears is an outstanding program that assists young people to gain their drivers licence in a way that speaks their language.
This program offers a fun and interactive environment where each young person learns how to have a shared responsibility towards road safety and what is the best practice towards road safety.
“Linda Jane, a Changing Gears trainer, has worked seamlessly with Vic Deaf support workers in creating an innovative, appropriate program, with a visual approach to classroom learning.
The most recent ‘Changing Gears’ program returned an impressive result with 100% of participants passing their Learner's Permit with VicRoads. There is currently no other organisation offering this type of service to this disenfranchised group of people.…”
Linda has been exceptionally accommodating to the needs of the students and worked well with staff in managing any challenging behaviour that arose.
As a result of the program, all our students successfully passed and are now in possession of a Learners Permit. Changing Gears has hence been a very valuable program to the Pavilion
Changing Gears staff were invited to run a pilot program with ten refugee young people. This is where our management discovered how establish this program was. It was conducted on a highly professional yet a practical scale with proper technology and rich material.
Feedback from our client’s stated they could have never achieved it without the program..…”
Linda Jane
Linda started her career in driver education after a serious motorbike accident where she lost the use of her hands for 2 years. Wanting to teach drivers how to watch out for motorbikes, she spent the time completing her Driver Instructor’s license. Linda has successfully assisted 1000’s of Learner drivers in passing their Drive test.
For the past 10 years, Linda has been training large groups in driver education, in defensive driving and classroom-based learner permit programs for Murcotts Driver Excellence, METEC and Mission Australia.
Qualifications include:
Cert IV Training and Assessment
Cert IV – Small Business Management
Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Completed courses in behaviour modification
Getting Ahead Facilitator – Mission Australia
Informal Learning Assessor – Mission Australia
As director of Janeway Pty Ltd, she has continued the vision of Mission Australia through the Changing Gears program:
Assisting disadvantaged people and helping them move towards independence
Angelina van der Horst
Angelina van der Horst has joined the Changing Gears Team and will be co-facilitating the program to support young learners in achieving their learner permits.
Angie has been facilitating and training for more than 10 years. She has worked in youth camps conducting high and low ropes initiatives as well as managing their horse riding program and was a motorcycle riding instructor.
Angie is a qualified current accredited trainer and community leader and is an engaging trainer with much experience.
Qualifications include:
2018 Certificate IV in Assessment & Workplace Training TAE40116
2011 Diploma in Community Services Work
Part Bachelor of Business in Organisation & Management
Trainer for Motorcyclist Education, Training & Licencing.
Current Working with Children Check
First Aid Certificate
Current, clean, Victorian Driver and Taxi Licence – Car & Motorcycle